
2024-05-18 22:24

1. 请问“总经理”的英文怎么写,我要写在名片上的

 请问“总经理”的英文怎么写,我要写在名片上的  General manager 总经理。  一般不简写成为GM。可以就写Manager也行。
  名片上印副经理、总经理助理,这2个次的英文怎么写啊?  副经理 Deputy Manager  总经理助理 General Manager Assistant
  生产副总经理 名片 英文怎么写?  Vice General Manager of Production Dept.  希望采纳
  你可以翻译成Vice General Manager或者是 Deputy General Manager都可以。
  名片上副总经理的英文怎么说  副总经理  [词典] [经] vice president; vice-general manager;  [例句]下一批经理人包括副总经理和董事会董事。  The next tranche of managers consists of assistant general managers and board directors.
  总经理和副总经理的名片英文缩写是什么?  GM: General Manager  DGM: Deputy General Manager
  请问名片上的“经理助理”和“助理经理”用英文怎么写正确?  经理助理 manager assistant  应该是正确的
  名片上 怎么用英文表示“董事”、“总经理”  “董事”---“Director ”  “Board Member”(董事成员)  “总经理”--“General Manager”


2. 总经理和副总经理的名片英文缩写是什么?

总经理英文是:General Manager,缩写大是GM。如果印在名片上,最好不要写成GM吧,因为G.M也有game master的意思,所以写全称吧,也可以写Manager。
副总经理英文是:Vice General Manager,缩写是 VGM。

扩展资料:总经理(General manager)传统意义上是一个公司的最高领导人或该公司的创始人。但实际上,总经理所在的层级,还是会因公司的规模而有所不同。
例如在一般的中小企业,总经理通常就是整个组织里职务最高的管理者与负责人。而若是在规模较大的组织里 (如跨国企业),总经理所扮演的角色,通常是旗下某个事业体或分支机构的最高负责人。
副总经理(Vice General Manager)是公司行政班子的组成人员,由总经理提名,董事会聘任,是总经理的助手,是董事会授权的企业某个领域的负责人。协助总经理制定并实施企业战略、经营计划等政策方略,实现公司的经营管理目标及发展目标。

3. 总经理的英文怎么写

总经理:General Manager
发音:英 [ˈdʒenərəl ˈmænidʒə]  美 [ˈdʒɛnərəl ˈmænɪdʒɚ]
1、Real leaders have the respect of their peers and their teams, and they treat everyone as equals in terms of the amount of respect they are due, from the lowliest assistant to the GeneralManager. 
2、Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our company. 
3、General Manager Antonioli invested in the infrastructure of the garden of the hotel, turning the habit of the Milanese daily Aperitif into a daily event. 

top manager
英 [tɔp ˈmænidʒə]  美 [tɑp ˈmænɪdʒɚ] 
1、In the previous examples, the first column (i.e., the top manager) was specified as constant value.
2、As a top manager, he should appoint none but people on their merit. 
作为一位总经理, 他应该任人为贤。
3、The top secret file was marked " for the manager's eyes only ".  
在极机密档案上标示有 “ 只供经理亲阅”的 字样。


4. 名片上副总经理的英文怎么说

[词典]    [经] vice president; vice-general manager;    
The next tranche of managers consists of assistant general managers and board directors.

5. 副总经理英文怎么写

[词典]    [经] vice president; vice-general manager;    
The next tranche of managers consists of assistant general managers and board directors.


6. 总经理的英文怎么写

 总经理的英文怎么写  General manager  [英] [ˈdʒenərəl ˈmænidʒə][美] [ˈdʒɛnərəl ˈmænɪdʒɚ]  n.总经理  1.The general manager has planned a reanization of the sales department.  总经理已经计划改组销售部。  2. He was given a post as general manager.  他被任命为总经理。  3. He was exalted to the postion of a general manager of the pany.  他被提升为公司的总经理。  4. The general manager is trying to meet the payroll.  总经理在设法筹措款项支付工资。  5. The report was sent to the general manager as per your instructions.  按照您的指示,报告送给总经理了。
  标准的说:general manager  managing director也比较常用,  我们公司的经理大家都叫GM(general manager )
  总经理的英文单词怎么写  总经理的英文单词怎么写  general manager  I've been onto the general manager, he said he would attend the meeting.  我与总经理打电话联络过了,他说他会来参加会议。
  总经理的英文简写?  总经理[general manager]
    The general manager downgraded the employee.
    He ended up as general manager of the pany.
    The general manager directed the pany through a difficult time.
    Its general manager, Lin Zuoming, plained in April that he did not know what to do with all the cash.
  该公司总经理 *** (音)曾在四月份抗议道,他不知道要拿这些钱去干什么。
    The assistant general manager asked me to leave the ball with him, and a few weeks after wegot home, a package arrived for Marcus.
    Real leaders have the respect of their peers and their teams, and they treat everyone as equals in terms of the amount of respect they are due, from the lowliest assistant to the General Manager.
    Ren Yi, General Manager of ICD, mented: “This is an exciting development for everyone at ICD and I believe it will help to secure our future growth and suess in the Chinese UHMWPEfiber market.
    Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our pany.
    He was reportedly unhappy with Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak and Jackson.
    Your General Manager congratulated me on my purchase.
  总经理的英文是?  常用的有俩种:  president  general manager  他最后成了这家公司的总经理。  He ended up as general manager of the pany  总经理再三考虑之后,决定采纳她的建议。  After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion
  总经理的英文是什么?  General manager  chief financial officer  chief technological officer  address  mailbox
  总经理的新年致词怎么写?  自己改改!@  2011年新年  尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的同仁们大家晚上好:  在此新年到来之际,我向一直关心和支援我工作的各位领导、同事表示衷心的感谢!  祝大家身体健康、工作顺利 !  祝我们的施罗德工业测控装置有限公司的明天更加辉煌灿烂;  回首2010,那是充满 *** 和胜利的一年。,我们也在各位领导的悉心教导下得到了极大的发展,逐渐成长为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的员工。展望2011,这将是充满希望与梦想的一年。  同仁们,希望大家在新的一年里能更加积极的为公司发展献言献策。在继往开来的2011年里,我们将锐意进取,开拓创新,满怀豪情地向着更高、更强、更辉煌的目标迈进,也会扬长避短,更好的发挥各自的作用!发挥团队的作用!  资源是会枯竭的,唯有文化才会生生不息。一切工业产品都是人类智慧创造的,任何公司没有可以依存的自然资源,唯有在人的头脑中挖掘出大油田、大森林、大煤矿……。精神是可以转化成物质的,物质文明有利于巩固精神文明。企业坚持以精神文明促进物质文明的方针。  这里的文化,不仅仅包含知识、技术、管理、情操……,也包含一切促进生产力发展的无形因素。  尊敬的领导,亲爱同事们,让我们一起书写历史,让我们一起创造属于我们也属于施罗德工业的辉煌,让我们共同奋斗携手并进,腾飞在崭新的2011。  最后,再次祝愿大家新年快乐,万事如意!  谢谢!
  总经理的助理用俄语怎么写  помощник генерального директора.
  郭总经理的英文是什么  general manager Guo, 其实不用总这个字也行的,外国习惯里很少用
  总经理的英语怎么读  general manager

7. 董事经理英文怎么写

问题一:名片上 怎么用英文表示“董事”、“总经理”  “董事”---“Director ” 
  “Board Member”(董事成员) 
  “总经理”龚-“General Manager” 
   问题二:董事长、总经理办公室用英文怎么写啊?  董事长 chairman of the board 
  总经理 general manager 
  办公室 office 
   问题三:总经理的英文怎么写  General manager 
  [英] [?d?en?r?l ?m?nid??][美] [?d??n?r?l ?m?n?d??] 
  1.The general manager has planned a reorganization of the sales department. 
  2. He was given a post as general manager. 
  3. He was exalted to the postion of a general manager of the pany. 
  4. The general manager is trying to meet the payroll. 
  5. The report was sent to the general manager as per your instructions. 
   问题四:董事副总经理的英文翻译  董事副总经理:Director Assistant General Manager 
  技术总监:Technology Director 
  运维部经理(运行维护): De锭artment manager of transportation & maintenance ( operations and maintenance ) 
   问题五:“执行董事兼总经理”用英语怎么说  “执行董事”乃是国人长期以来对Managing Director一职的误译(以此director为“董事”)。这里的Director是一行政职位,未必要成为“董事”(拥有公司大量股份)。一个公司如果有Managing Director,则在同一层面没有CEO,也没有General Manager。当然,其分公司、子公司可以有。跟你们老板解释一下,如果是给外国人看,那人家表面不说、心里会哂笑的。如果他确实是董事,不如就说是Board Director如果他还是董事长,就说Chairman of Board至于后面的“总经理”,字面翻译是General Manager,各国通吃,绝无歧义。在美国公司,通常这一职位叫President 或CEO(听起来更时髦些);欧洲多设CEO 
   问题六:总经理的英文简写?  董事长的英文是Chairman总裁是President首席执行官是Chief Executive Officer 总经理是general manager


8. 总经理的英文怎么写

 总经理的英文怎么写  General manager  [英] [ˈdʒenərəl ˈmænidʒə][美] [ˈdʒɛnərəl ˈmænɪdʒɚ]  n.总经理  1.The general manager has planned a reanization of the sales department.  总经理已经计划改组销售部。  2. He was given a post as general manager.  他被任命为总经理。  3. He was exalted to the postion of a general manager of the pany.  他被提升为公司的总经理。  4. The general manager is trying to meet the payroll.  总经理在设法筹措款项支付工资。  5. The report was sent to the general manager as per your instructions.  按照您的指示,报告送给总经理了。
  标准的说:general manager  managing director也比较常用,  我们公司的经理大家都叫GM(general manager )
  总经理的英文单词怎么写  总经理的英文单词怎么写  general manager  I've been onto the general manager, he said he would attend the meeting.  我与总经理打电话联系过了,他说他会来参加会议。
  总经理的英文简写?  总经理[general manager]
    The general manager downgraded the employee.
    He ended up as general manager of the pany.
    The general manager directed the pany through a difficult time.
    Its general manager, Lin Zuoming, plained in April that he did not know what to do with all the cash.
  该公司总经理 *** (音)曾在四月份 *** 道,他不知道要拿这些钱去干什么。
    The assistant general manager asked me to leave the ball with him, and a few weeks after wegot home, a package arrived for Marcus.
    Real leaders have the respect of their peers and their teams, and they treat everyone as equals in terms of the amount of respect they are due, from the lowliest assistant to the General Manager.
    Ren Yi, General Manager of ICD, mented: “This is an exciting development for everyone at ICD and I believe it will help to secure our future growth and suess in the Chinese UHMWPEfiber market.
    Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our pany.
    He was reportedly unhappy with Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak and Jackson.
    Your General Manager congratulated me on my purchase.
  总经理的英文是?  常用的有俩种:  president  general manager  他最后成了这家公司的总经理。  He ended up as general manager of the pany  总经理再三考虑之后,决定采纳她的建议。  After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion
  总经理的英文是什么?  General manager  chief financial officer  chief technological officer  address  mailbox
  总经理的新年致词怎么写?  自己改改!@  2011年新年  尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的同仁们大家晚上好:  在此新年到来之际,我向一直关心和支持我工作的各位领导、同事表示衷心的感谢!  祝大家身体健康、工作顺利 !  祝我们的施罗德工业测控设备有限公司的明天更加辉煌灿烂;  回首2010,那是充满 *** 和胜利的一年。,我们也在各位领导的悉心教导下得到了极大的发展,逐渐成长为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的员工。展望2011,这将是充满希望与梦想的一年。  同仁们,希望大家在新的一年里能更加积极的为公司发展献言献策。在继往开来的2011年里,我们将锐意进取,开拓创新,满怀豪情地向着更高、更强、更辉煌的目标迈进,也会扬长避短,更好的发挥各自的作用!发挥团队的作用!  资源是会枯竭的,唯有文化才会生生不息。一切工业产品都是人类智慧创造的,任何公司没有可以依存的自然资源,唯有在人的头脑中挖掘出大油田、大森林、大煤矿……。精神是可以转化成物质的,物质文明有利于巩固精神文明。企业坚持以精神文明促进物质文明的方针。  这里的文化,不仅仅包含知识、技术、管理、情操……,也包含一切促进生产力发展的无形因素。  尊敬的领导,亲爱同事们,让我们一起书写历史,让我们一起创造属于我们也属于施罗德工业的辉煌,让我们共同奋斗携手并进,腾飞在崭新的2011。  最后,再次祝愿大家新年快乐,万事如意!  谢谢!
  总经理的助理用俄语怎么写  помощник генерального директора.
  郭总经理的英文是什么  general manager Guo, 其实不用总这个字也行的,外国习惯里很少用
  总经理的英语怎么读  general manager